症例 1:40歳代 女性


Clinical course
・  転移性肝腫瘍が第1に疑われ、全身の検索 が行われたが異常なし。
・  肝腫瘍の針生検が行われ、病理組織診断は  Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) of the liver(疑い)
・  生体肝移植目的にて当院紹介

診断:EHE of the liver

・ Low-grade malignant vascular tumor
・ Mean age: 41.7years
・ Male to Female ratio 2:3
・ Clinical manifestions: nonspecific
・ 1-year and 5-year survival
 _ after resection: 100%, 75%
 _ after transplantation: 96%, 54.5%
 _ no treatment: 39.3%, 4.5%

EHE of the liver

・ Multifocal nodular pattern (more common)
・ Diffuse pattern
・ Located at periphery
・ Calcification:20%
・ Capsular retraction:25%
_ due to occlusion of peripheral bile ducts
・ Compensatory hypertrophy

Target like enhancement
・ Nonenhancing central part
 _ necrosis, fibromyxoid stroma
・ Enhancing inner rim
 _ hyperemia
・ Nonenhancing outer rim
 _ avascular zone



Moderator:鈴木 一廣

