東京レントゲンカンファレンス TOP症例一覧 第360回症例症例:呈示
第 360 回 東京レントゲンカンファレンス[2015年5月21日]
症例3 70歳代 女性
pulmonary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy


 Physical examination & Laboratory findings

digital clubbing
CEA↑(47.5), SCC↑(4.9)

Bone scintigraphy


Diagnosis :Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPO)  with lung cancer


 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

・classified as either primary (3-5%) or secondary (pulmonary:HPO, pleural and diaphragm, cardiac, abdominal and others)
・characterized by the triad of periostitis, digital clubbing, painful swollen jointsAline Biral Zanon, et al. Bras J Rheumatol 49: 447-55, 2009

・involve diaphyses and metaphyses of long bones (tibia+fibula:75%, radius+ulna:80%, proximal phalanges:60%, femur:50%)
・related with elevated serum level of hormones and cytokines?
・improved by treatment of underlying diseases and medications (NSAIDs, steroids)Capelastegui A, et al. Clinical radiology 55: 72-75, 2000
Katsuhiko M, et al. Internal Medicine 40: 532-535, 2001


 Differential diagnosis

・thyroid acropachy
・chronic venous stasis
・hypervitaminosis A

Donald Resnick, Mark J. Kransdorf. Bone and Joint Imaging 3rd Edition. ELSEVIER SAUNDERS, Philadelphia, 2005, 1433-1438


 Differential diagnosis

lung cancer : chemotherapy(CBDCA+PTX+BEV) → decreasing in size

画像 画像
initial exam  93th day

HPO : steroid → improvement of pain, swelling



HPO should be considered in a patient with lung cancer manifesting arthritis.




  • Nisha I. Sainani, et al. MRI diagnosis of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy from a remote childhood malignancy. Skeletal Radiol
    36: S63-S66, 2007
  • Meng-Yuan Tsai, et al. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in a patient with lung cancer. Intern Med 53: 2757-2758,
  • Aline Biral Zanon, et al. Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: case report and literature review. Bras J Rheumatol 49:
    447-55, 2009


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