第307回 東京レントゲンカンファレンス

症例3 60歳代 男性
peliosis hepatis 


  施行されたエコー下生検では"sinusoidal dilatation"の結果であった。
 肝腫大や汎血球減少の悪化があり、経過からPeliosis hepatisと診断された。
  Child-Pugh scoreは12p (Grade C),MELD scoreは13pであった。
・以上から、子をドナーとしたLDLT(Living Donor Liver Transplantation)を1ヶ月後に予定していた。

剖検肝 肉眼所見       組織像(HE x4)
  組織像(HE x10)


Peliosis hepatis (hepatic peliosis)
・Peliosis Hepatis is an uncommon vascular condition characterized by
  randomly distributed multiple blood-filled cavities.
 Size of the cavities usually ranges between a few millimeters to 3cm in diameter.
・“Peliosis” is a term derived from the Greek pelios,
  which means “dusky” or “purple” referring to the color of the liver parenchyma with peliosis.
・Often asymptomatic and therefore diagnosed incidentally at autopsy.
・In some instances, hepatomegaly, ascites,portal hypertension, cholestasis,
  and hepatic failure may be present.
・Severe abdominal pain may result from rupture and intraperitoneal hemorrhage.
・Peliosis hepatis can occur at any age, usually develops in adults without regard to sex.


Causatives of Peliosis hepatis
・The pathogenesis of peliosis hepatis is unknown.
 There are several hypotheses, such as, it arise from sinusoidal epithelial damage, increased sinusoidal  pressure due to obstruction in blood outflow from the liver, or hepatocellular necrosis.
・Associated conditions
  ・Anabolic steroids, corticosteroids, oral contraseptives, azathioprine, tamoxifen, estrogen …
  ・Chronic infections; Pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV infection
  ・Bacillary peliosis; genus Bartonella (cat scratch disease)
  ・Hematologic disorders; Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma
  ・Malignancy; hepatocellular carcinoma …
  ・Transplantation - immunoglobulin therapy;
   azathioprine, cyclosporine …
      especially renal transplantation.
      It can be found in up to 20% patients


Treatment, Natural history
・The natural course of peliosis hepatis is regression after drug withdrawal, cessation of steroid therapy,
  or resolution of an associated infectious disease.
・In general, if untreated, peliosis hepatis may be rapidly fatal.
・Because of its potential complications, surgical resection of the involved liver parenchyma should always  be considered.
・In rare circumstances partial resection of liver or transplant may be required.


Gross pathologic appearance
・Multiple, irregularly shaped blood-filled hepatic cavities. The lesions typically involve the entire liver.


Microscopic examination
・Phlecectatic type; rupture may follow the intrinsic weakness of the fibers of the endothelial wall
 the blood-filled spaces are lined with endothelium and are associated with aneurysmal dilatation of the  central vein.
・Palenchymal type; rupture associates with focal hepatocyte necrosis
 The spaces have no endothelial lining and they usually are associated with haemorrhagic parenchymal  necrosis.
・Some considers both pattern to be one process, initiated by focal necrosis of liver parenchyma observed in  parenchymal type progressing into formation of fibrous wall and endothelial lining around hemorrhage of  phebectatic type.
・Fibrosis, cirrhosis, regenerative nodules,
 and thrombosis, calcification may also be seen.


Imaging findings
・The imaging findings of peliosis hepatis are variable depending on the pathologic patterns of disease,  various stages of the blood component of the lesions, and concomitant hepatic steatosis.
・CT,MRI findings of focal peliosis hepatis are not specific.
・Absence of a mass effect is considered characteristic of a peliosis hepatis pseudotumor.


・Peliotic lesions may be hyperattenuating to liver parenchyma.
 ・If peliotic cavities are smaller than 1 cm in diameter, CT findings may be normal.
 ・Calcifications within peliotic lesions have bee descrived.
・On contrast-enhanced CT, peliotic lesions can be hypoattenuating to liver parenchyma in the early  acquisitions and tend to become progressively isoattenuating with time.
 ・Larger cavities communicating with sinusoids display the same attenuation of blood vessels.
 ・During the arterial phase of contrast enhancement,peliotic lesions typically show early vessel-like   enhancement and multiple small accumulations of contrast material in the center of the lesions.
 ・During the portal venous phase, a centrifugal progression of enhancement without a mass effect on   hepatic vessels is usually observed; a centripetal progression of enhancement can also be seen.
 ・On the delayed phase, late diffuse homogeneous hyperattenuation can also be seen.


・The signal intensities of the lesions on MR examination
  largely depend on the age and status of the blood component.
  On T2WI, peliotic lesions are usually hyperintense to liver parenchyma with multiple foci of high signal,   likely attributable to hemorrhagic necrosis.
  On T1WI, the lesions are hypointense because of the presence of subacute blood, although isointense and   hyperintense foci are also described.
  On CE-T1WI, peliotic lesions usually show enhancement.
   ・Similar to CT, the enhancement is typically centrifugal
     (from the center to the periphery of the lesion); however,
     a recent report described an unusual centripetal enhancement pattern that may be confused with     that of a hemangioma.
   ・Cystic cavities may reveal an enhancing rim that represents a hematoma.
   ・MRI with hepato-specific contrast agents seems to increase the diagnostic confidence, identifying     hepatocytes and Kupffer cells within the lesion, but differentiation from hepatic adenoma with     multiphasic CT or MRI is necessary.

・Conventional gray-scale sonography shows homogeneous hypoechoic lesions in patients with hepatic  steatosis, hyperechoic lesions in patients with a healthy liver, and heterogeneously hypoechoic lesions if  complicated by hemorrhage.
 Doppler studies can show evidence of both perinodular and intranodular vascularity.
・peliotic lesions appear as multiple vascular nodules during the late arterial phase.
・The enhancement of peliotic lesions typically is more distinct during the parenchymal phase and persists  during the portal venous phase.


Differential Diagnosis
Vascular tumors
    ・The typical enhancement pattern of hemangiomas is opposite of peliosis hepatis, and therefore      differential diagnosis can be achieved in most patients.
  Kaposi sarcoma, Angiosarcoma, Epithelioid endothelioma …
  may associated with estrogen. Presence of fat is useful sign to make DD. Focal peliosis can be
  difficult to differentiate from adenoma.
Hypervascular metastases, HCC, …





Moderator:古橋 哲